
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Review Author Anonymous by E.K. Blair


A TRUE STORY told through the voice of New York Times Bestselling author E.K. Blair.

She’s an author.
She’s a mother.
She’s a wife.
She’s a fraud. 

A woman marked and bound by her own deceit, this is the astounding tale of how one choice knocked her world from its axis forcing her to battle through a year of scandal and betrayal, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. 

This is an intoxicatingly risqué stand-alone true story tangled in lust, heartbreak, and contrition.

Release Date: August 29th 2016

Purchase Links
Barnes And Noble

What the F*ck did I actually read!!!

Bear with me addict's, I just literally finished reading this. I am right now feeling raw with a side heaping of bundled emotions. I want to thank the Anonymous Author for sharing her story and to Author E.K. Blair for writing Anonymous's story. 

With that being said, I just really feel like my heart has be shredded into a million pieces and my mind a jumbled mess. I was so carried away in this story. There are very few books that will really transport me subconsciously into the story. This one has defiantly done it for me. I felt like I was standing in each scenario hiding in the corner of the room watching everything play out. 

The story of Tor and her husband Landon has left me raw and itchy. There were several maybe more times where I had to stop reading and take a breather because I was so angry with Tor. My heart bled for Landon and their girls. I tell this to my children all the time to teach them a lesson in doing something whether it was good or bad. "for every action there is a reaction. What you put out in the world will come back good or bad. Bad if you have done bad or lied, good if you have done something good"  This lesson defiantly applied to this story. 

In my fit of anger towards Tor, I had to realize that she was hurting too. I didn't get that until the conclusion of the book. I commend Tor's best friend and assistant Brook for being there for her throughout Tor's whole ordeal. She's the real MVP. Throughout everything Brook has stood beside Tor whether it was to give her advice, call her out on her shit or telling Tor to get her shit together.  Brook could have easily told her to kick rocks and figure it out herself, but she didn't because Brook loved her enough to help Tor though her problems. 

As a married woman I never would want to put myself in Tor's shoes. I really had to get over my initial disgust and really dig deep to understand things from Tor's eyes. Once I did I really started to emotionally connect with her. 

Now that my emotions have sorta settled down and I'm less itchy. I can honestly say that besides Colleen Hoovers "It Ends With Us" this book really ranked high in my best reads so far this year list. This is my first time reading something from E.K. Blair and her way with words is outstanding. I love it when an author can transport you from reality and into a book without you realizing you went anywhere at all until reality kicks back in. I call them my Never Ending Story authors(for those who don't know what that move its please watch, it's like the mecca of children's 80's movies). 

I will defiantly be looking into more of E.K. Blair's books, as soon as I get over this book hangover.

One more note before I sign off. Tor kinda left me hanging in the end so I wanna know what happens next.


5 out of 5 stars

To Learn more about Author E.K. Blair click on the links below

Photo and blurb provided by