
Monday, July 15, 2013

Reading progress on Hopeless.

Hey Addict's

Just wanted to give you and update on my reading progress of Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. So far i'm about 184 pages in and let me tell you i'm kinda sucked in the story right now lol. It's a really good story line with an easy flo to it. The two main characters are Sky and Holder(his first name is Dean). In the beginning it's a case of mistaken identity when Sky meets Holder in a grocery store, but everything picks up right after that. There is an air of mystery surrounding Holder concerning his mood swings and how intense he can be when interacting with certain situations with Sky. Sky is a very tough cookie not letting the pressures of teenage life get to her, but it bugs me that she does not show a lot of emotion(in the beginning). She is basically shut off from any technology(due to her adoptive mother Karen and being home schooled) so it's kinda funny seeing her interact with things that you would normally visualize a teenager using regularly ( ie cell phone, e readers).

So far I'm really loving this story, it does have it's emotional up's and downs when repressed memories from Sky's childhood emerges as dreams, or when Holder is still dealing with the tragedy that happened to his family the year before.

There is one thing that is really going to probably sucker punch me as I read more. I feel as though Holder know more about Sky than what he previously led on when he first met Sky. I don't know I have a feeling that they might be related (ewwww gross) but I really hope that's not the case. It just tipped me off in one scene when Sky told her mother that she was officially dating Holder and how as described she blanched and had a look of shock on her face. Also when Holder was approaching Karen with Sky he was looking angry at her and her boyfriend Jack. I hope my suspicion's are not true(that would suck).

But I just wanted to jump on here and update you guys. I am about to dive back into this book. I should be finished sometime tomorrow and will give you either an update or a full review.  I will probably blog from my phone tomorrow for my 9 year old minion has a dental appointment( mommy duties first then play lol)

Until then....

Behave yourselves and Read On!!!


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