
Friday, July 12, 2013

Rerouting the blog..

Hola Addict's

It's been a few days since I last posted. I have been doing a little reading and networking with different authors on facebook/twitter. Hopefully my networking will pay off lol. I don't want to spoil or jinx what I have in the works so let's just say I have been doing my best to boost traffic and bring subscribers to the house, but we shall see*evil laugh* lol.

Now on to the changes I have made to this blog.  You guys now have a different tabs to navigate through this blog. I felt that this was needed to keep confusion down and to separate the reviews from the latest news to contest. I want you all to have a easy experience where if your looking for something specific you can just click on the tab to take you there.

Also on the home page is where I will be posting my progress on the books that I am currently reading.

And finally.....

I finally finished reading Down London Road *wooohhhhooooo* lol. Sorry for the delay but I was sick on my two days off and dealing with a runny nose and swollen eyes, which was not cool and hard as hell to read when you have tissue stuck up your nose and when you squint to look at screen to read your actually closing your eyes lol.

Now on to the Review...

oops wrong tab lol

Click on the reviews tab to see the review for Down London Road!!!

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