Author E. L. R. Jones
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Nyema Norton is a child psychologist, a mother, a sister, a friend, amongst other things. She has always been the type to be there to listen if you needed it or give sage advice that helped others to improve upon their lives. She has known great loss. First, her sister, then the father of her child. As such, she has chosen to guard her heart against anyone outside of her family and inner circle of friends. Nyema is perceived as the one that has it all together.
James Kenyon, architect, has always been the man with no desire to have a wife and/or family of his own. He applauds his best friend for stepping out and finding love, but he wants no parts of it. James had decided to assist a friend with having a child. A simple act of kindness, a freak accident and one phone call has his world spinning. What he doesn’t count on is a loss greater than one he ever thought to endure, a woman that changes his outlook and that very same woman possibly being the missing key to his healing. It helps that she has a precocious yet adorable kid, ta boot.
What will happen when the two meet as counselor and patient? Will James be the breath of fresh air that she needs in order to be able to truly breathe? Will Nyema be the woman to cause him to be willing to commit to something, someone other than his company and employees?

The Norton Sisters Series is a series about six sisters that share the same last name, but are six entirely different women. The sisters by age ranking: Zoie, Wynter, Rayna, Nyema, Lynnia and Chyra are there for each other, always. They follow their own little "Norton Code": "In the end, family means everything and your sisters hold you up. No matter what may come."
A Note from the Author
I'm so excited to announce that Nyema, the third book in The Norton Sisters Series will be releasing on November 20th. Words cannot express just how much these sisters mean to me.

E. L. R. Jones is a self proclaimed eclectic author. She tends to write romance based novels, but they fall into different genres: contemporary, paranormal, mythological and erotic. She also has created short stories and poetry. In the near future, she hopes to release a children's book series. Ms. Jones incorporates all avenues of creativity into her works.
E. L. R. Jones began writing when she was just beginning her teen years. A pen in hand meant she needed to vent words that she couldn't otherwise express. Living a life that was already filled with pain and heartache, Ms. Jones began writing poetry. The ability to release the barely contained emotions was enough to inspire her to take Creative Writing classes in college.
Finding her stride with creative writing, she continued to write. E. L. R. Jones has put thought to page to amass quite a collection of work. Inspired by life and the dreams that press her to give "voice" to her characters, she is excited to bring her first work to fruition. There will be many to follow.

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